Lookin' very attentitve, yes? You know there is something that smells delicious up there! I am great and honing in on the goodies, and then lockin' on to them. Very strong jaws. But, first I work my charm.....those googily, sweet eyes, the undeniable attention..."it's all about you, hooman..your're so sweet and nice....I've got lots of time to admire you..." Very patient. Well, ok...if that doesn't work...I try other tactics...a stare-down of the delicious target to come to my level, in conjunction with the googily, sweet eyes...and by goodness! Often I am soon sampling a nibble! Or, if my super jaws can come in contact with the delicious item...I go for it! That's when the I don't hear the hooman say "ah! cute!", but something more like "Aow!!!!!!!" Oh well, got it!

Well, yes, I love sticks! As you can see I was surrounded by them. That is a nice day! Just need my hoomans to relax a little and give me more time to work on these sticks! There's lots of them and just one of me...."ok mom and dad, get it?" I usually don't get enough time, and have to get back into the floatable with mom, or keep walking around.....Mom says things like, "it's so beautiful out!" and I say things like "but, all my sticks!!"

Ok....so, my jaw latched on to something really good one day....that's me, by the lake, being 'scolded' by my hoomans...but guess what! I got that mouse, it was smelly, crunchy and my jaws are good at those sorts of things! I'm quick too. My hoomans didn't realize until it was TOO late. Ya know though, it wasn't that delicious....and doesn't make nice things in my stomach....I'm ok though.
There's me with a BIG stickie. Good stuff....excellent for my jaw exercises...
And me, just riding around....in the floatable...looking for more stickies....

Ok, well it's not summer YET...but winter has a few things to offer.....will just wait for summer....
Chew some cold stickies, roll in the white snowy stuff and be happy about it...